Welcome to the post-auction sale of the 61. Merkurphila auction!

Pre philathelistic era 9
Austria 9
Unused classical Austrian stamps from 1850-1867, including Lombardy and Venetia 8
Austria 1
Lombardy-Venetia 7
Austria - 1st Issue 1850 64
Varieties, colors, unused and reprints 5
Multiple 6
Postal history and frankings 22
Lombardy/Venetia 31
Austria – Cancellations pre philathelistic era, 1. – 5. issue in crown lands 65
Bohemia 7
Bukovina 1
Dalmatia 3
Galicia 2
Austrian Littoral 9
Moravia 3
Lower Austria 4
Upper Austria 1
Salzburg 1
Silesia 1
Serbia 1
Styria 2
South Tyrol 1
Tyrol 2
Lower Styria 2
Vorarlberg 1
Vienna 9
Hungary (today Hungary) 6
Hungary (today Croatia) 1
Hungary (today Romania) 3
Hungary (today Serbia) 1
Ambulant post office 1
Sea mail 1
Fieldpost 1
Registered mail cancellations and other 1
Austria - Mercury and newspaper stamps 10
1859 - 1863 5
Newspaper tax, telegraph, and revenue stamps 5
Austria - 2nd - 5th issue 1858- 1863/64 41
Types, colors, varieties, unused and reprints 7
postal history 28
Lombardy/Venetia 5
Forerunners Levant 1
Austria 1867 34
Varieties and unused 5
Postal history 29
Austria - 1883 - 1918 87
Mint, unused and varieties 15
Cancellations, postal history and postcards 63
Pneumatic tubes and telephone cards 9
Austria K. and K. Fieldpost 8
Postal history and cancellations 8
Austrian foreign postoffices Levant and Crete 37
Cancellations, postal history and postcards 37
Austria- Bosnia & Herzegovina 32
Mint, unused, varieties and cancellations 9
Post history and postcards 23
Austria - ship mail 17
DSSG, Austrian Lloyd, Austrian navy 17
Austria - 1st Republic 48
Mint and varieties 20
Postal history inflation time 1919-1925 9
Postal history as from 1925 and cancellations 19
Austria - Ostmark 5
Post history 5
Austria - 2nd Republic 103
Imprints 1945 62
Mint and varieties 19
Post history until currency reform 1947 17
Post history as from currency reform 1947 5
Austria Private Stationarys 4
Privatganzsachen Monarchie - Gegenwart 4
Austria - Lots and collections 30
1850 - 1863/64 - Austria 12
1850 - 1863/64 - Lombardy / Venetia 3
1867 - 1918 - Austria, Bosnia, Levant, DSSC 10
1919 - 1945 2
1945 - 2002 3
Germany - Old German States to 1871 1
Thurn und Taxis 1
Germany - German Reich (GR)1871 - 1945 1
GR 1871-1918 1
France 2
Empire 1849-1870 1
Republic 1870-1940 1
Greece 3
Kingdom of Greece 1833-1924 3
Italy - Old-Italian States 10
Old Italy - Pre philatelistic era 8
Lombardy & Venetia 1
Tuscany 1
Italy - 1861 - Today 3
Kingdom of Italy 1861-1946 3
Romania 4
Forerunner Romania 2
Kingdom of Romania 1881-1947 2
Hungary 4
Kingdom of Hungary 1867-1918 4
Collections from Europe and All over the world 1
Collections from Europe and All over the world 1
Great Britain 1
Queen Victoria 1
British Colonies and British Commonwealth 2
India 1
Malta 1
United States of America 4
USA till 1900 2
USA since 1900 2
Africa 1
Egypt 1
Asia 1
Japan 1
Literature 2
German literature 2