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Catalogue number: 237
Austria, 1851, 8 Ib, 30 kr, ROSE Mercury, on large part of adress wrapper, postmarked with date stamp 23/11 used in HOHENMAUTH, Bohemia, well cut and particularly freshly colored, very fine item, certificate Dr. Ferchenb... read more

9000 0


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Catalogue number: 329
Österreich, 1858, Böhmen, LANDSKRON, Buntfrankatur 10 Ib + 11 I az + 14 Ia, 2 kr + 3 kr. + 10 kr., Kaiser Franz Joseph, auf Bfstk., außergewöhnlich farbintensives Prachtstück!, Attest Matl

280 0


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Catalogue number: 90
Austria, 1850, Bohemia, PARDUBITZ, 8 p, 3 x 1 H I, 1 kr, yellowochre, Hand-made paper, on letter, untreated very fine item!, certificate Dr. Ferchenbauer, KW 2300 €

380 0


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Catalogue number: 81
Austria, 1850, Bohemia, JUNGFERTEINITZ, 90 p, 1 H I, 1 kr, orange, Hand-made paper, strip of three, extra fine item!, certificate Dr. Ferchenbauer

320 1


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Catalogue number: 172
Austria, 1850, Bohemia, BÖHM. KRUMAU, 150 p, very clear postmark, 5 H II, 9 kr, Hand-made paper, envelope, attractive and impressive item!

200 0


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Catalogue number: 328
Österreich, 1858, Böhmen, KLATTAU, ideal sitzende Abschläge des Zweizeilers auf seltener und besonders wirkungsvoller Frankatur auf sauber beschriftetem frischen Faltbrief n. ROVEREDO, frankiert mit vollzähnigen und fris... read more

600 0


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Catalogue number: 173
Austria, 1850, NACH ABGANG/DER POST, 1200 p, on a pair of 1 H I, 1 kr, orange, hand paper, genuine and flawless, the secondary stamp was used in Prague and practically does not occur as the single cancellation on stamps,... read more

1200 0


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Catalogue number: 89
Austria, 1850, Bohemia, MARIENBAD, 10 p, complete and clear cancellation, 8 x 4 M III, multiple franking of 48kr by stamps of same type (strip of 6 + 2 single stamps), foreign postage to HJO in Sweden, very attractive an... read more

10000 0


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Catalogue number: 174
Austria, 1850, Bohemia, PRAG/B. H., 6 p, very clear postmark, 5 H I, 9 kr, Hand-made paper, letter with content to TRIEST 1852, attractive and impressive item!

70 0


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Catalogue number: 254
Österreich, 1860, ANK 23 e, grauviolett, ideal entwertet mit Doppelkreisstempel "SAAZ 12/8", besonders breitrandiges wirkungsvolles P! Befund Dr.Ferchenbauer

60 0


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Catalogue number: 68
Austria, 1850, Bohemia, CHLUMETZ, 10 p, very clear postmark, 3 H I, 3 kr, Hand-made paper, on piece of cover/letter, fresh, VF!, certificate Dr. Ferchenbauer

60 0


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Catalogue number: 248
Austria, 1859, Bohemia, KLATTAU / KLATOVY, part of cancellation, 17 b, 1,05 kr, faintbrown-lilac, Newspaper stamp, on newspaper, extremly fine and fresh item!

200 0


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Catalogue number: 12
Österreich, 1842, Böhmen, ROKITZAN, höchstdekorativer NEGATIVSTEMPEL mit Posthorn vom K.K.POSTAMT ROKITZAN auf unkomplettem Dokument mit Bezug zur Ortschaft KLABAVA, frische Erhaltung! seltenes Poststück!

80 0


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Catalogue number: 371
Österreich, 1863/64, Böhmen, ARNAU, sitzender Abschlag auf wirkungsvollem ACHTECKIGEN 5Kr - GANZSACHENAUSSCHNITT als Einzelfrankatur auf frischem erlesenem PRACHTBRIEF n. STRASSBURG in Kärnten 1866!

240 0


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Catalogue number: 295
Österreich, 1859, BÖHM. LEIPPA, Steuerstempel auf überdruckter 1Kr - ANKÜNDIGUNGSSTEMPELMARKE (Ausgabe 1858 mit enger Zähnung), als wirkungsvolle Frankatur auf komplettem Titelblatt "BÖHM. LEIPAER WOCHENBLATT", min. flec... read more

200 0


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Catalogue number: 257
Austria, 1860, Austiran territories, LIBAN, very clear postmark, 23 g, 1,05 kr, darkviolet, Newspaper stamp, adress wrapper for newspapers & printed items, fresh, VF!, signature Matl

300 0


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Catalogue number: 175
Austria, 1850, Bohemia, REICHENBERG, 3 p, very clear postmark, 5 M III + 14 I, mixed franking, registered letter to VIENNA, extremly fine and fresh item!, certificate Dr. Ferchenbauer

6000 0


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Catalogue number: 88
Austria, 1850, Bohemia, CARLSBAD, 4 p, weak, complete cancellation, 3 M III + 5 M III + 2 M III, letter with content to PARIS 1858, 3 color combination franking, foreign postage to, fresh, VF!

900 1


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Catalogue number: 249
Austria, 1859, Bohemia, PRAG, perfect placed cancellation, 17 c, 1,05 kr, darklilac, Newspaper stamp, on newspaper, strip of four, attractive and impressive item!, certificate Dr. Ferchenbauer

1000 0


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Catalogue number: 176
Austria, 1850, Bohemia, TABOR, 1800 p, very clear postmark, 4 H III, 6 kr, Hand-made paper, fresh, VF!

180 0


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Catalogue number: 91
Austria, 1850, Bohemia, PRAG KLEINS., 12 p, weak, complete cancellation, 2 x 2 H I, 2 kr, black, Hand-made paper, 2nd weight rate, local letter, untreated very fine item!, certificate Dr. Ferchenbauer

500 0


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Catalogue number: 352
Austria, 1861, Bohemia, KREIBITZ, 4 p, very clear postmark,21 + 19 + 18, letter with content to ASCH, 3 color combination franking, fresh, VF!, signature Dr. Ferchenbauer

360 0


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